Caladbolg |
To get "Caladbolg" you must have to be a legion member and you need "Altar of Caladbolg" and "Legion Titan". You can get "Altar of Caladbolg" from Twilly "Open Treasure chests!" quest. It's a house item and it is very hard to get. After that you need "Legion Titan". You can buy this armor from "Undead Legion Merge".
Now I will show you how to get "Caladblog".
Join in your house and equip "Altar of Caladbolg".
Altar of Caladbolg |
Click on it and accept the quest.
Quest name: Pay Homage to Caladbolg
Base Level: 40
Altar of Caladbolg
Legion Titan
To complete the quest you need -
5 Legion Token x5 and
Soul Shard x1
Dropped by:
Dark Makai
Dreadfiend of Nulgath
Infernalfiend of Nulgath (Monster)
Skeletal Warrior (Lvl 25)
Undead Bruiser
Undead Legend (Monster)
Revontheus (Monster).
100 Gold
100 Exp
You may also receive, at random:
Note: To get Soul Shard type /join underworld. Now find the monster and then kill any of them.
It is very hard to get Caladbolg because it has very low drop rate.
/join underworld |
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