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How to become a Legion member

To become a Legion member you need "Undead Warrior" armor.
This armor cost 1200 ac. You can buy it from "Undead warrior shop" (/join underworld).

Now join underworld and click on "Dage the Evil" then
open "Legion Quest". You have to complete 5 of them.

1st Quest - Undead Champion Initiation

Requirement: You must own Undead Warrior.
Items Required:
Black Knight's Eternal Contract x1
Dropped by "Black Knight" (Summoned)

100 Gold
100 Exp

Note: To kill "Black Knight" type /join greenguardwest in your chat bar.            

2nd Quest - Mourn The Soldiers

Must have completed the previous quest.
Must own Undead Warrior.
Items Required:

Skeletal Soldier Slain x1
Dropped by "Skeletal Soldier"
Drow Soldier slain x1
Dropped by "Drow Soldier"
Fishman Soldier Slain x1
Dropped by "Fishman Soldier"
Dwakel Soldier Slain x1
Dropped by "Dwakel Soldier".

75 Gold
75 Exp

Note: To kill "Skeletal Soldier" type /join swordhavenundead in your chat bar,
         to kill "Drow Soldier" type /join dwarfhold in your chat bar,
         to kill "Fishman Soldier" (Monster Level-7) type /join pirates in your chat bar,
         to kill "Dwakel Soldier" type /join willowcreek in your chat bar.

3rd Quest - Understanding Undead Champions

Must have completed the previous quest.
Must own Undead Warrior.
Items Required:

Ravaged Champion Soul x80
Dropped by "Undead Champion" (Monster).

50 Gold
50 Exp

Note: To kill "Undead Champion" type /join battleunderb in your chat bar.
         Remember you have to kill it 80 times.

4th Quest - Slay the Unworthy

Must have completed the previous quest.
Must own Undead Warrior.

Items Required:

Undead Un-life Force x50
Dropped by any monster in Graveyard.

25 Gold
25 Exp

Note: To get "Undead Un-life Force" type /join graveyard in your chat bar
         and kill any monster.

5th Quest - Fail to the King

Must have completed the previous quest.
Must own Undead Warrior.

Items Required:

King's Guard Slain x25
Dropped by "King Alteon's Knight".

1 Gold
1 Exp

Note: To get "King Alteon's Knight" type /join prison in your chat bar.

Complete all of them and then buy "Undead Champion" from "Undead Legion Shop".
Now you can start farming for "Legion token".
You can also get a non-member pet (Sir Liest) from "Undead Legion Shop".

Good luck!


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