Proxy websites are becoming a dire need of time in this fast-growing era of technology. As the demand and the use of the internet are becoming rampant. Everyone wants the uninterrupted and smooth web supply without any obstruction. But a few websites are restricted in certain regions, countries and locations. Therefore, this article will be very helpful in accessing those blocked websites effortlessly. You will certainly be told here to create a proxy website with the best GUI even without any programming experience.
(Note: Don’t misuse this tutorial. It is just to assist you and to perform useful piece of work)
Make a Proxy Website through:
1.An online server (If your root is in your access).
Proxy site on online server:
It is not a difficult task. You can easily handle it if your host allows you to access your root server. Open your cPanel and go ahead.
Directory selection:
After accessing your cPanel, a page containing numerous icons will be displayed before you. Locate your File Manager and double click on it. A window will appear for a Directory Selection. Select Web Root to access public_html and then click Go.
Open your Google search and type Php proxy in its search bar. A list of very similar proxy softwares will be displayed. But you have to select PHP Web Proxy| Free System Administration Software.
Click on the first link. Open this website and download php proxy software.
software on your P.C.
Upload on Root:
Open your web root and access public_html. Click on New folder and create a new one with a name “proxy” (Name is optional you can save the folder with any other name e.g.: – ABC)
After creating the specific folder, open it and upload your Php proxy software zip file in this folder. To do this click on upload and select your required software from your P.C.
Extract your file:
After successful uploading, select the zip file of your software and extract it here.
your website:
After successful installation, open required folder of your domain this GUI will appear on its index page.
Select your specific options that you want and enter your required address and click go.
Now, your favourite website will open .
You can see that your proxy site is working properly, and it is enabling you to access your favorite website which is blocked due to any reason.
Proxy site by WordPress:
Open your WordPress admin panel and login to your WordPress account.
Open permalinks:
Go to your WordPress settings and open your WordPress permalinks settings because permalinks are necessary for WordPress proxy site
Select your suitable permalinks and click save changes.
Add plugin:
Go to plugins option and click Add New Plugin.Type repress in search bar and click Search Plugins. It will display the list of plugins to install. Select your desired plugin “RePress” and click Install Now to get installed.
After successful installation go to settings option and select Repress. Update its permalinks address to access your proxy site in the web browser
Add your website:
Add your required domain in proxy list you want to open. Enter your specific domain and click Uncensored button. Select your desired option under Advanced options and click Save. Now, this domain will be saved to the list of Uncensored domains.
Open your proxy site:
Copy your permalink proxy address and log out from the WordPress admin panel. Now, open your proxy website it will show you the list of accessible domains.
Select your desired website from the list like YouTube. Now, your proxy server is working properly, and it is opening your desired website efficiently.
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