{2054} Bot ,Cracked sotware Free To Download

(Release) Le bot 8.4 free download

What new ?
Boost options removed;
Slight changes in Bot Manager.


F1 - Opens the bank;
F2 - Options;
F3 - Bot Manager;
F4 - Lists;
F5 - Packet Spammer;
F6 - Auto Relogin.

Botting features:

 Arcangrove Rep;
 Alchemy reagents;
 Ancient Vitae;
 Bamboozle vs Dudgen bot;
 Beginning the Final Bot;
 Blade of Awe bots;
 Blood Titan Tokens;
 Chaosaltar XP;
 Chronospan Rep;
 Coliseum Combatants bot;
 Combat Trophies;
 Dark Spirit Orbs[member-only];
 Dragon Talons;
 Doomwood rep;
 Dwakel Gold;
 Dwarfhold rep;
 Diamonds Of Nulgath;
 Elder's Blood potion;
 Emblem of Longevity;
 Emblem of Good Luck;
 Etherstorm Airstorm rep;
 Etherstorm war rep;
 Forestchaos gold bot
 Fuchsia & Magenta Dye;
 Finding Fragments with Bow, Mace and Blade;
 Generic Attack Bot;
 Golden Dragon Spear;
 Golden Tickets;
 Good & Evil (requires rank 4 in both);
 High/Exalted Legion bots;
 Horc rep;
 Legion Exercise 1;
 Legion Exercise 2;
 Legion Exercise 3;
 Legion Exercise 4;
 Legion Insanely Insane;
 Legion SoulSeeker bot;
 Legion tokens(Soul Collector, non Soul Collector and Evil War);
 Lycan rep;
 Mana Golem bot;
 Mirror Realm Tokens
 Mythsong rep;
 Pay homage to Caladbolg;
 Pet Tamer Rep bot;
 Pinpoint the Pieces bot;
 Rainbow Shards;
 Rays Of Hope;
 Quick Gold bot
 Sandsea rep;
 Shinobi Tokens bot (Member/ non-Member).
 Soulforge Bot
 Sparrow's Blood potion;
 Spirit Orbs;
 Spirit Orbs [2];
 Skyguard Rep[member only];
 Supplies To Spin the Wheel of Chance;
 Tainted Gems;
 Tainted Gems[2]
 Tainted Souls;
 Thunderforge bot[M];
 Thunderforge Rep;
 Timeportal CP;
 Timespace XP bot
 Totems of Nulgath;
 Totems of Nulgath bot[M];
 Troll Rep;
 Troll + Horc;
 Ultimate weapon Kit construction;
 Undead Essence;
 Undead Pirates XP bot;
 Viper's Blood potion;
 Vampire rep;
 Yokai rep.

Options menu:

 Get All drops;
 Lag Killer;
 Reject all drops;
 Skip Cutscene;
 Skill Editor;
 'Rest if HP is < than' button;
 'Rest if MP is low' button;
 Enemy Magnet;
 Change Walk Speed;
 Toggle public/private rooms.



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Best Bot and hack Sofware (Release) Le bot 8.4 free download