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POWER LEADS PRO X - Suite Package (Worth 997$) full crack

Sales Page: http://www.powerleadspro.com

1. Extract folder Power Leads Pro X and and also extract the Plugins folder.

2. Copy and replace folder Plugins in the relevant folders below

For Win7

C:\ProgramData\Power Leads Pro X\Plugins

For WinXP

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Power Leads Pro X\Plugins

(For people confused, click on my computer and find the above locations on your pc
Then copy the main file called "Power Leads Pro X" inside the correct location.
After that paste the now extracted plugin folder inside the Power Leads Pro X folder
The above is what your filepath should look like when your finished, its a 60 second job)

3. Add the following lines to your host file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host
(If you don't know how to edit your host file, use Google) crackedseotools.com www.crackedseotools.com

4. Run IMSLoader.exe and select the only tool you downloaded and click "LOAD APP"
(Just go back to the original folder you extracted, and hit the IMSLOADER.exe file
Then from there just follow the directions, its pretty simple)

5. Login details:
Username - DOG-TAG@BHW.com
Password - DOG-TAG



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Best Bot and hack Sofware POWER LEADS PRO X - Suite Package (Worth 997$) full crack